Saturday, March 21, 2020

California Designated Representative Courses

California Designated Representative

California Designated Representative Courses for:
      Wholesalers | 3PL | Reverse Distributors

  • online training courses available 24 x7
  • approved by the California State Board of Pharmacy
  • 3 distinct courses for:  wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributor
  • prices start at $525 per student
  • earns a training affidavit recognized by the Board
  • more than 7,000 students have taken our state license-related training programs
California Designated Representative Courses - for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors
California Designated Representative Courses - for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Focuses on Safety of Regulated Products While Scaling Back Domestic Inspections -

Read the full FDA Statement:  Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Focuses on Safety of Regulated Products While Scaling Back Domestic Inspections -

In the statement:
"Today, we’re announcing that for the health and well-being of our staff and those who conduct inspections for the agency under contract at the state level, and because of industry concerns about visitors, we have temporarily postponed all domestic routine surveillance facility inspections. These are facility inspections the FDA traditionally conducts every few years based on a risk analysis. Importantly, all domestic for-cause inspection assignments will be evaluated and will proceed if mission-critical. We will continue to respond to natural disasters, outbreaks and other public health emergencies involving FDA-regulated products."

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