Thursday, July 11, 2019

What You Need to Know (And What We’re Working to Find Out) About Products Containing Cannabis or Cannabis-derived Compounds, Including CBD -

Read the FDA article: What You Need to Know (And What We’re Working to Find Out) About Products Containing Cannabis or Cannabis-derived Compounds, Including CBD -

According to the FDA article:

"The FDA is committed to sound, science-based policy. The FDA is raising these safety, marketing and labeling concerns with you now because we want you to know what we know. We hope that you will provide any data that you have to the public docket.
Today’s Consumer Update includes a practical summary of what we know to date. As we learn more, our goal is to update you with the information you need to make smart choices about CBD products. Also, as the regulatory pathways are clarified we will take care to notify all stakeholders as quickly as possible.

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